Liebster Blog Awards
Dawn over at Beneath the Surface: Breath of Faith has nominated me for this award. Liebster means beloved or dearest. Dawn has become a dear friend to me in bloggy world. She intereacts with me on my blog and facebook page. She enourages me to keep pressing on. There are some rules that accompany this "award". I certainly do not want to be ungrateful for such thoughtfulness so I will play by the rules. Here are the rules that accompany this award: 1. If you are nominated and accept it, then you have won! 2. Thank the person who nominated you by linking back to their blog. 3. Nominate 5 blogs with less than 200 Followers. 4. Let the nominees know by leaving a comment on their blog. 5. Add the award image to your site. So I would like to pass this award to these Beloveds: Julieann at (recently found this blog) Meredith at (blogger I ...