Quick Walk About of Genesis....
Overview from Abraham to Joseph... Abraham: God calls him to leave his homeland (Everything he knows) To go to a place God would show him (God leads and guides) Makes a covenant to give him the land (Though Abraham does not see it in his lifetime) Has a few bumps along the way with Sarah (Lying never works out well) Isaac: God confirms his covenant with Issac (God keeps His promises) His marriage to Rebekah brings comfort (We are to be a comfort to our spouse) Unfortunately, he follows in his father's footsteps to lie about Rebekah (We learn what we live) He favors one son over another (Favoritism never works out well) Jacob: Takes things into his own hands to take the birthright and the blessing (Wait on God's timing rather than taking things into your own hands) He has to flee because of his deception (Deception leads to difficulties) Jacob is deceived by his Uncle Laban (He got a taste of his own medicine) He broke away from Laban back to ...