Getting the Most Out of It
As we begin our journey of digging into the the Bible in chronological order, I'd like to share some resources that may be helpful. Some may like to journal or take notes as you read. If so Rock, Paper, Scriptures has a free study sheet here . It is a story analysis sheet to record your observations and personal applications. **Not an endorsement of entire site** Some may like a formal Q &A format. If so, InterVarsity Press has a free resource which offers study questions for each book of the Bible. You can find the resource here . For a different book of the Bible, in the search box just enter Quiet Time and then the name of the book. For example. Quiet Time Exodus. Remember.... This devotional from Wendy Pope, " It's Okay if We Don't Understand the Whole Bible " really helped to take the pressure off of Bible reading. From Deuteronomy 29:29 NLT: “The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for ...