Jesus Celebrated Hanukkah
Wednesday night begins the celebration of Hanukkah. Many may not realize that Jesus, a Jew, also celebrated this festival. In John 10:22 - 23 [International Standard Version] it states, "Now Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) was taking place in Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was walking around in the temple inside the open porch of Solomon." Why is this festival celebrated? Why did Jesus celebrate this festival? The following excerpt from Barnes' Notes on the Bible explains - The Feast of Dedication - Literally, the feast of the renewing, or of the renovation. This feast was instituted by Judas Maccabaeus, in the year 164 b.c. The temple and city were taken by Antiochus Epiphanes in the year 167 b.c. He killed 40,000 inhabitants, and sold 40,000 more as slaves. In addition to this, he sacrificed a sow on the altar of burnt-offerings, and a broth being made of this, he sprinkled it all over the temple. The city and temple ...