
Showing posts from January, 2013

Being a Friend of God

Let's start with a video... Abraham was a friend of God. He was called to leave his family and his land to go to a land God would show him. God would make Abraham into a great nation. He would bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed Abraham. 2 Chronicles 20:7, Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23 declares that Abraham was called a friend of God. Why? Because Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him as righteousness. Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible states - "...he was loved by God with an everlasting love, who showed acts of friendship to him; called him by his grace, and blessed him with spiritual blessings, and increased him with the increase of God; favoured him with near communion with him, honoured him with high characters, and distinguished him by peculiar marks of his favour, and reckoned his enemies and friends as his own; Genesis 12:8 and Abraham, on the other hand, loved God, and showed himself friendly to him; trusted in him, an...

Elizabeth and Mary - A Biblical Friendship

Let's start with a video...   Mary and Elizabeth had a lot in common:   1. Both were visited by the angel Gabriel.   2. Both were told that they would have a son.   3. Elizabeth's son would be the forerunner of the Messiah in the spirit of Elijah  and Mary's Son would be the Messiah come to deliver His people from their sins.   4. Both learned patience through their unique experiences. For Elizabeth, the patience of waiting so long to have a child and that her reproach would be taken away from her. For Mary, the patience of knowing that she would have a child without the usual act of conception and bring the Messiah into the world.   We must remember the promise given to Mary in Luke 1:37 - For with God nothing shall be impossible.   Patience is not my strong suit. I have to work on that area on a daily basis. I know I can be patient from the Bible tells me that patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. ...

Book Review - Until We Reach Home

Amazon Author: Lynn Austin   Title: Until We Reach Home   Setting: A small village in Sweden, Ellis Island, Chicago in the late 1800s   Main Characters: Elin, Kirsten, and Sofia Carlson   Summary: This is the story of three young sisters from Sweden. After, the death of their parents, the Carlson sisters experience many hardships. Because of these hardships they decide to leave for America and join an uncle who lives in Chicago.   They dream that America will be different than their life in Sweden. They imagine that they will be well off, have servants to do the work, and that they will spend most of their time in leisure. But reality soon sets in while on Ellis Island. They experience sickness and separation from each other.   Finally after time on the island, they are finally able to go to Chicago. They arrive and soon realize that they are not going to be served but that they will be the ones doing the serving. ...

A Biblical Friendship - Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law

Let's start today with a video... Today's post is about the relationship between Naomi and her mother-in-law, Ruth. Last spring I posted about the book of Ruth. I would like to share them again today - A Famine in the Land A Temporary Stay to Permanent Consequences The Journey Back Naomi and Ruth Arrive in Bethlehem The daughter-in-law/mother-in law relationship is much maligned in society. I am sure at times there are clashes in this type of relationship. The story of Ruth and Naomi runs counter to the usual jokes or stereotypes which surround this type of relationship. I have a good relationship with my mother-in-law. We talk, joke around, and spend time with each other. I will also say that we may not always agree on everything but we try to work things out. Friendship with Feet Take time to pray for your mother-in-law. Pray about your relationship with her. If you don't have a mother-in-law, pray for your mother [you could pray for her, in a...

Why do I have friends?

Let me start with a video.... The need for human relationships has been around since the beginning. Adam needed a companion. Someone who would be his helper. One that was suitable to him. While the creation of woman speaks to the importance of the marital relationship, there is something else we can glean from this passage. We need people. The bottom line is we cannot go it alone. We need to do many things if we are to live in relationship to one another... We need to live in unity - Psalm 133:1 We are to love and honor one another - Romans 12:10 We are to mind our own business [Can anyone say the word busybody?] - 1 Thessalonians 4:10 We are to love each other as brothers and sisters - Hebrews 13:1 We are to love deeply, from the heart - 1 Peter 1:22 Sometimes when a friend gives correction or calls us on a matter we may not like it. We may think the friend is not being kind to us. At times, I know I have thought, "How dare they say that to me? I know what I...

What is a friend?

First of all, I'd like to thank Jane Freund, the author of the Bible study The Fine Art of Female Friendships , for allowing me the privilege to blog about the study. I thought I start this post off with one of my favorite friendship songs. It was used as the theme song for one of my favorite shows, The Golden Girls. I used to watch the show with one of my favorite older friends, my grandmother. What is a friend? Here are a few definitions - 1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. 2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance. 3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade. 4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement I would define a friend as someone who is kind and caring. A friend is there when you need them. A friend gives encouragement and support. A friend is someone with whom you can share your deepest thoughts. You can be open and honest with them. But what does the Bible have to say ab...

One Word for 2013

My one word for 2013 is..... What is a journey? What is the journey that I am on? What is the journey you are on?   Journey -    The act of traveling from one place to another; a trip.   A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip   A process or course likened to traveling; a passage   My scripture to guide me on this journey -   [But] I don’t care about my own life [consider my life worth anything]. The most important thing [or My only goal] is that I complete [finish] my mission [task, course, race], the work [ministry; service] that the Lord Jesus gave me [ I received from the Lord Jesus] -to tell people [testify/witness to] the Good News [Gospel] about God’s grace. Acts 20:24   I began my journey when I was 18 years old.   Now I am much older and much has happened along the way.   I believe this journey will bring many things.   Some old, some new.   Some...