
Showing posts from September, 2012

In Him

In this section of Colossians there are a lot of "In Him" phrases such as: By Him all things were created - in heaven and earth, visible and invisible For Him - He made them so they exist for Him In Him all things hold together In Him the fullness of the Godhead dwells Through Him we have peace because of the blood he shed on the cross Before Him we will be presented holy, blameless and beyond reproach Jesus should be our focus. For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28).

Quick Outline of Colossians

1:1-8 Paul writes to the church as Colossae. He offers prayers for them and reminds them of the fruit  they are bearing. 1:9-14 Because of the gospel they have heard, they are now in a new kingdom with new ideals. 1:15-23 He reminds them of who Christ is and what he has done for them. 1:24-2:5 Paul tells them his purpose - to minister the mystery of the gospel which is Christ 2:6-2:15 Beware of false teaching. They are complete in Christ. They were once dead but have now been made alive 2:16-23 Don't rely on external observances. Trust in what Christ has done. 3:1-11 Set your mind on things above. Live a life which reflects a heavenly mindset. 3:12-4:1 How to live out the Christian life day to day. 4:2-18 Focus on prayer. Paul gives closing remarks of who has helped him in ministry.      

Colossians ~ An Introduction

Photo Credit The fall study has begun. Great resources are available at the Good Morning Girls website . I've been reading Colossians for the past week to get a feel for this letter which was written to the church at Colossae. Doing this helped me to get an overall picture. Here are somethings which maybe helpful to you as you begin this study: Paul's audience was made up of believers They were a young church that was growing and maturing They were facing issues such as deception, worldly philosophies, asceticism (self-denial) as a way to have a relationship with God. Key words to watch for: prayer Gospel wisdom knowledge all (referring to completeness or totality) faith mystery in Him, through Him, before Him, etc Paul's purpose for writing: To remind them what they have in the Gospel  Refute false teaching To live life according the Gospel Key points: Supremacy and sufficiency of Christ as the creator, the sustainer, the image of God, t...