
NLT Filament Bible Review

Do you want a study Bible without carrying around a large, bulky book?  Do you want a Bible that has devotional content? Do you want a Bible that also has video content? Do you want all these features at a reasonable price? The NLT Filament Bible does all of this!! I usually use this NLT Bible: It is an older 2007 NLT edition (not Filament Enabled). The following is a review of the NLT Filament Enabled Bible, Giant Print Personal Size Edition: T he new NLT Giant Print Personal Size Filament Enabled edition is a great step up from my 2007 NLT. I usually have to get out my other study Bibles to reference. Then I would use a separate devotional book. If I wanted to get insight from a video, I would then need to find one on my own. With Filament enabled editions, it is all right there at my fingertips! It's so simple to use! I downloaded the app which is available for FREE at the Apple or Google Play stores. This does leave out Kindle Fire users. Hopefully, they will add the app on Ama...

Happy New Year

  Today starts a new year. A new year brings new beginnings. This past year has brought many changes to people's lives. I know it has brought changes to mine. Some of the changes have been good. Some of the changes have been bad. Through it all, Jesus has been there.  He has been there even when I have not been able to see it. In this new year may you and I have faith, hope and trust. Whatever this year may bring. I will depend on The Word (Jesus) and the word (the Bible). This year I will be using the  Daily Walk Bible   published by Tyndale House Publishers . I'll be using the NLT but it is also available in the NIV and KJV. There is a   podcast   to go along with each day's reading. Also, there is a   guide  if you want to use your own Bible. The guide is bi-monthly and is available on Kindle.  You are welcome to join me on the journey.  Be Curious - Be Challenged - Be Changed

Quick Walk About of Genesis....

Overview from Abraham to Joseph... Abraham: God calls him to leave his homeland (Everything he knows) To go to a place God would show him (God leads and guides) Makes a covenant to give him the land (Though Abraham does not see it in his lifetime) Has a few bumps along the way with Sarah (Lying never works out well) Isaac: God confirms his covenant with Issac (God keeps His promises) His marriage to Rebekah brings comfort (We are to be a comfort to our spouse) Unfortunately, he follows in his father's footsteps to lie about Rebekah (We learn what we live) He favors one son over another (Favoritism never works out well) Jacob: Takes things into his own hands to take the birthright and the blessing (Wait on God's timing rather than taking things into your own hands) He has to flee because of his deception (Deception leads to difficulties) Jacob is deceived by his Uncle Laban (He got a taste of his own medicine) He broke away from Laban back to ...

February Reading Plan

Hard to believe it is February already. Here is this month's reading chart: Click on picture to enlarge, save, and print.

Father Abraham

Photo Credit Genesis 11:27 - Genesis 15 Today we begin the story of Abraham. Genesis began with creation and the spread of the human race. It now narrows to the call of one man.  God calls him to leave all he knows. To go to a place God will show him. God will lead us, too. He gave this promise to the descendants of Abraham:   Thus says the Lord ,      your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God,      who teaches you to profit,      who leads you in the way you should go. [Isaiah 48:17 MEV] He will show us the way. We, too, can hold on to that promise. For those who belong to Christ are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. [Galatians 3:29 MEV] When the path gets fuzzy and we don't know which way to go, we need to fix our eyes on Him. For He has gone before us....[Deuteronomy 31:8] He is always with us....[...

God Speaks

Photo Credit Job 38-42 We've heard from Job, the three "comforters" and Elihu. Now it is God's turn... God answers Job.  But it is not the answer Job is looking for. God asks Job a series of rhetorical questions. But if one were to answer them the obvious reply would be, "No." Job finally comes to the conclusion that he really did not know what he was talking about. And isn't that the way with most of our "why" questions? Our whys never really get answered Our whys keep us from moving forward. They keep us stuck. Because ultimately they will never be answered in the here and now. I hold on to this verse for those times of "why": "For now, we can only see a dim and blurry picture of things, as when we stare into polished metal. I realize that everything I know is only part of the big picture. But one day, when Jesus arrives, we will see clearly, face-to-face. In t...

False Presumptions

  Elihu in a nutshell: 1. He is mad because Job's three friends could not refute Job's claims and by doing so condemned God. 2. He was mad that Job kept insisting he was innocent and accuses him of blasphemy against God. [From the NLT Living Faith Study Bible] Yesterday and today's reading focuses on Elihu, the young man who listens to the three "comforters" and Job go back and forth between accusations of sin and acclamations of innocence. From Elihu's point of view Job was suffering because God was correcting him.  He was trying to restore him and keep him on the right path God was speaking, Job just wasn't listening.  Elihu was trying to speak for God. In Elihu's estimation, because God is concerned about the destiny of His creation, He uses affliction to correct and purify human kind. [From the Lutheran Study Bible] He was thinking if Job would respond correctly to his suffering, then it would go away. ...