NLT Filament Bible Review
Do you want a study Bible without carrying around a large, bulky book? Do you want a Bible that has devotional content? Do you want a Bible that also has video content? Do you want all these features at a reasonable price? The NLT Filament Bible does all of this!! I usually use this NLT Bible: It is an older 2007 NLT edition (not Filament Enabled). The following is a review of the NLT Filament Enabled Bible, Giant Print Personal Size Edition: T he new NLT Giant Print Personal Size Filament Enabled edition is a great step up from my 2007 NLT. I usually have to get out my other study Bibles to reference. Then I would use a separate devotional book. If I wanted to get insight from a video, I would then need to find one on my own. With Filament enabled editions, it is all right there at my fingertips! It's so simple to use! I downloaded the app which is available for FREE at the Apple or Google Play stores. This does leave out Kindle Fire users. Hopefully, they will add the app on Ama...