First Week of Advent - Monday


I have done genealogical work on my family line. It is interesting to find out where my ancestors lived, there occupation, and special events in their lives. It gives me a connection to them. I understand who I am and where I come from. Today's post is all about genealogy and its importance in regards to God keeping his promises.

Biblical genealogies are sometimes skipped over because they seem boring. Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23 - 38 seem to be unimportant to the grand scheme of the Bible. Why do I need to know who was the son of so and so? What impact will it have on my life by knowing this information?

In both of the passages mentioned above, Jesus genealogy is given to prove that he is a descendant of King David. The King who was promised that a Son of his would sit on hit throne forever. The genealogy also mentioned that Jesus is a descendant of Abraham who was promised that all nations would be blessed through his Seed.

According to the ESV study Bible notes, "Jews kept extensive genealogies to establish a person’s heritage, inheritance, legitimacy, and rights (cf. Josephus, Life of Josephus 1–6)." Matthew shows Jesus’ legal claim to the throne of David, with emphasis on  Jesus’ legal descent from David and Abraham In. Luke’s genealogical record the emphasis is on Jesus’ biological descent from David and Adam.

This sermon from Sermon Audio explains the importance of genealogy -

So next time your tempted to skip over the genealogical records in the Bible, remember their importance and their impact on the fulfillment of God's plans.

Enjoy the journey to the birth of our Savior!


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