The way to be the greatest is to serve...

The Voice ~

Mark 9:33-37

33 At last, they came to Capernaum where they gathered in a house.
Jesus: What was it I heard you arguing about along the way?
34 They looked down at the floor and wouldn’t answer, for they had been arguing among themselves about who was the greatest of Jesus’ disciples.
35 He sat down with the twelve to teach them.
Jesus: Whoever wants to be first must be last, and whoever wants to be the greatest must be the servant of all.
36 He then called forward a child, set the child in the middle of them, and took the child in His arms.
Jesus: 37 Whoever welcomes a child like this in My name welcomes Me; and whoever welcomes Me is welcoming not Me, but the One who sent Me.
The Voice Commentary ~
It is only natural for the disciples to wonder which of them will be His right-hand man. Even the three disciples who have just seen Jesus’ glory revealed in the transfiguration cannot resist the attraction of honor. After all, who has a better claim than they do to being the greatest of Jesus’ disciples?

Fortunately Jesus overhears what is said and is quick to respond in mercy to correct their mistake. Greatness in His eyes doesn’t consist of seeing wonders or performing miracles or even fasting and praying. Instead, greatness is about humility and service. These are the heart of the kingdom of heaven.
All it takes is a new perspective...

That's what the disciples needed....
They thought their purpose was to be great....
To be large and in charge....
But they were called to serve...
Just like their Master....
He came not to be served but to serve
and give His life....
as a ransom....
Sometimes we too need a new perspective...
The Gospel gives us that...
Before the Gospel we are like the man in this video..
Only thinking of ourselves...
But when he receives the gift of seeing others and their needs,
he starts to make a change...
May we have Gospel eyes to see others around us
serve them....


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